Saturday, May 13, 2017

Vanilla Chai Energy Bites

I have been reading about how much positive things Chai seeds have.  Fiber, protein, antioxidants, omega 3 fatty acids and many other positive nutrients.  This in turn could assist with weight loss, as well as other health benefits. I decided the easiest way to try them is add them to my energy bites.  I decided I wanted to make this weeks energy bites with even more protein. The chai seeds add a bit of crunch and texture to the bites.  They had a lot of flavor. Enjoy!

Vanilla Chai Energy Bites

1/2 cup Gluten-Free Rolled Oats
3/4 cup Almond Butter
1/8 cup Honey
1/8 cup Maple Syrup (pure)
1/4 cup Flaxseed, ground (you can also do half and half wheat germ)
1/4 cup Vanilla Protein Powder
1/4 cup unsweetened coconut shreds
2 Tablespoon Chai Seeds
1/4 cup Enjoy Life Semi Sweet Chocolate Mini Chips

Mix all together and roll small balls.

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